Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Ten RELAX. SET. GO. Rules To Relish

We all share common threads but our lives are so individual. The ten RELAX.  SET.  GO. rules to relish provide the roadmap; you design the destination that defines your personal success.  They are rules to relish, not to restrict.  So have fun and give yourself a well deserved break this holiday season.

1. Embrace the cause for pause.
TIP: The reason to relax and pause may be obvious but by telling yourself why you need it, you not only give yourself permission to take a break, you set the stage for success.

2. Let the force be with you.
TIP: Identifying your personal energy and whether it needs to be redirected to the positive will validate where you need to go and empower you to get there.

3. Stop what you are doing. Really stop.
TIP: Find a focal point or close your eyes to keep yourself free from distraction. This will help to relax your mind and ease the tension. It only takes a minute to relax and pause, so please take the time. If you can’t physically stop, you can still actively pause. External motion doesn’t have to hinder internal process.

4. Breathe slowly and deeply.
TIP: Focused breathing will get you centered and help you stay that way. Imagine that you are cleansing your body by breathing in pure oxygen and breathing out the toxins. Your heart rate will seem to slow down and you will experience a significant sense of balance and renewal.

5. Turn off the noise in your mind.
TIP: Slow your thoughts so that you decide which come in, which stay, and which go out. The light switch visual always helps to turn off the negative chatter and to turn on the positive narrative.

6. Pump up your personal energy.
TIP: Negative energy has no place in your world. Push it out and snap into a positive state. Then pump some power into the positive. Heightened energy doesn’t mean hyper energy. It is focused, clear and strong, just like you.

7. Talk to yourself.
TIP: Write your narrative. This is the time for strong affirmations and enthusiastic pep talks that have a well defined outcome. Be the king of the world, control the chaos, laugh at adversity, find peace and tranquility, embrace everything good. Always create an unwavering and optimistic success story in which your energy and actions are met with positive results.

8. Get into the groove.
TIP: You will feel the shift in your energy and attitude. You will realize how truly great you can feel in the matter of a minute. Relish it. Surround yourself in it and share it with the universe.

9. Mark it and keep it in motion.
TIP: Make your transformation stick with a symbolic marker. Stretch, stretch loudly, spin in your chair, clench a fist, color your energy, punch the sky or simply smile to yourself. You will stay the course long after you break the pause.

10.  Appreciate empowerment
TIP: You are entitled to an excellent life, not to a life of entitlement. Always give thanks and always be grateful for your ability to seize the best in life.


  1. Tip number 5 & 10 are so true for me Thank you Denise


  2. I am so happy I found this blog ! I am so in need of relaxing, refocusing, finding and staying positive, and your site, and the 10 rules, really help me get to that calm, happy powerful place!! I resort to them whenever I am feeling overwhelmed, and they help everytime!! THANK YOU !!! I look forward to your posts !!!! I am going to forward the link to everyone in my office and address book !!Ally
